Join us for this Unconference with topics including: Performance Evaluations, Staffing and Workflows, and Resources for Staff.
The Unconference will cover three topics for Technical Services staff: Performance Evaluations, Staffing and Workflows, and Resources for Staff. Panelists from three local public libraries will discuss how to evaluate new and long-term staff, how to organize and staff your Technical Services department, and where to go for Technical Services training. Panelists will provide additional documentation such as sample evaluation forms, organizational charts and resources for professional development. Unconference participants are encouraged to ask questions throughout the three sections. There will be a brief Business Meeting at 9:45 before the program.
Unconference Speakers:
•Performance Evaluations in Technical Services (Jen Ryjewski, Assistant Director, Downers Grove Public Library)
•Staffing and Workflows in Technical Services (Christine Sporleder, Circulation and Technical Services Department Head, Bloomingdale Public Library)
•Resources for Technical Services Staff (Richard Stewart, Cataloging Supervisor, Indian Trails Public Library District)
Registration is required for everyone attending.
This is a Zoom meeting and the link will be emailed directly to registrants 2 days prior to the meeting/program via Eventbrite. This program will not be recorded.