Filtering by: “Technical Services”


TSS: Using the DDC and WebDewey Effectively

Learn about the fundamental principles of the DDC as well as practical strategies for efficient navigation and searching of WebDewey.

Join Alex Kyrios, Senior Editor of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) for a virtual training program on the DDC and WebDewey.

Ten years after the publication of the last full printed edition of the DDC, the classification continues to be constantly developed in WebDewey. You’ll learn about the fundamental principles underlying the system, as well as practical strategies for efficient navigation and searching the online interface.

The session will also cover advanced topics such as reclassification and comparison with previous versions, building and submitting your own numbers, and more. Demonstrations and interactive aspects will be a part of the training.

Objectives for the session include: (1) understand the structure of the DDC; (2) correctly classify materials; and (3) analyze built numbers and learn how to build your own.

It is recommended you use your libraries WebDewey account. A temporary shared WebDewey account will be available but you may not be able to use all the functionality of the number building exercises.

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TSS: RDA toolkit

Join us as Amanda Sprochi discusses the changes made to the RDA Toolkit after the completion of the 3R Project and addresses the new structural changes to RDA. She will explore the new emphases and what they mean for RDA users and discuss implications for cataloging workflow and procedures.

Amanda K. Sprochi, MA, MLIS, AHIP, is a librarian and professional cataloger at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. Specializing in the cataloging of rare books and special materials, medical and veterinary resources, and digital resources, she is a member of the ACRL Rare Books and Mansucripts Division, the Library History Round Table, ALA Core, and the Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association. She has served as the Medical Library Association's representative to the ALA Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access and recently served as the chair of the Fictitious Entities Working Group for the RDA Steering Committee. She was also a member of the RSC+ group, working on the RDA 3R project. She teaches Principles of Cataloging and Classification for the University of Missouri's School of Information Science and Learning Technology.

There will be a brief Business Meeting prior to the start of the meeting.

Registration is required for everyone attending.  Register online on Eventbrite.

This is a Zoom meeting and the link will be emailed directly to registrants 2 days prior to the meeting/program via Eventbrite. This program will be recorded for possible sharing on our social media channels and website. Any programs recording audience interactions will allow for customers to opt-out of video or audio participation.

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TSS: Records cleanup + MARC edit

Learn about starting a cleanup project from who should be involved to what should be fixed.

Want to update your records to RDA? Are databases providing records that stand out like a sore thumb? Do the inconsistences of your metadata haunt you?

A library’s database is only as good as the metadata contained within and it’s our job to make it work. Learn about starting a cleanup project from who should be involved to what should be fixed. Attendees will be introduced to tools, techniques, and best practices for database cleanup projects. Specifically, MarcEdit will be introduced with the opportunity for attendees to gain working knowledge about resources to use the program, built in tools, and building your tasks.

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TSS: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Cataloging and Collection Development

What are other libraries are doing about obtaining a diverse, equitable and inclusive collection?

As librarians, how do we develop a diverse, equitable and inclusive collection of materials that serves all our patrons? Staff from La Grange Public Library, Naperville Public Library and Evanston Public Library will demonstrate how to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in purchasing, cataloging and weeding in your library's collection.

The three libraries utilize different catalogs and represent distinctive approaches in collection development and cataloging. Naperville Public Library staff provide centralized selection across three locations using the Innovative Sierra catalog. La Grange Public Library is part of the SWAN consortium with a shared SirsiDynix Enterprise catalog, and Evanston Public Library is part of the CCS consortium with a shared Polaris catalog. Panelists from the three libraries will discuss how to develop and implement a diversity audit to identify strengths and weaknesses in your library’s collection.

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Technical Services Event

Technical Services Event

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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