RDA has been a part of our cataloging universe for over 20 years and has gone through many changes. In 2021, RDA and the RDA Toolkit were completely revised and reorganized. The revised RDA is now aligned with international standards (IFLA Library Reference Model) and the Library of Congress is preparing to adopt. In this session the speakers will present on RDA providing an overview with context, introduction to the new RDA Toolkit, and discuss the international standardization of the description model.
Presenters: Chris Oliver is the head of Metadata and Processing at the University of Ottawa Library. She has over 25 years of experience, much of it contributing to the development of RDA. She is also the author of the Introduction to RDA: A Guide to the Basics after 3R.
Bobby Bothmann is a professor and the Metadata &Emerging Technology Librarian for the Minnesota State University Mankato. He has extensive experience cataloging books, electronic resources, and audiovisual material. He is a member of the editorial board for Cataloging & Classification Quarterly and a delegate of the OCLC Global Council.
There will be a brief Business Meeting at 9:45 before the program and a lunch break.
Registration is required for everyone attending.
This is a Zoom meeting and the link will be emailed directly to registrants 2 days prior to the meeting/program via Eventbrite. This program will be recorded for possible sharing on our website. Any programs recording audience interactions will allow for customers to opt-out of video or audio participation.