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TSS Marketing Technical Services

Discover why marketing the Technical Services Department is important . Find ways to make your department more valued and appreciated.

Because of the opaque and hidden nature of the work that we do, and even where our offices are located, Technical Service departments seem to be the most beleaguered department in libraries. Constantly defending the need for the department against the seeming efficiency and speed of out-sourcing and automation, TS staff feel overworked, underappreciated, and under-resourced. Therefore, it is incumbent upon every TS staff person to make our work visible and understood so that it can be valued, appreciated, and funded. While not a magic wand, this presentation will provide attendees with a new perspective as well as practical suggestions for telling a story that is meaningful and makes a difference. At the end of the presentation, attendees will be able to:

• describe the reasons why marketing the technical services department is important

• consider various aspects when crafting the marketing message

• write a 30-second elevator speech to convey the message

• list specific opportunities for communicating the message

Presenter: Leslie A. Engelson currently serves as Professor and Metadata Librarian at Murray State University. Prior to her tenure at MSU, she served as Technical Services Librarian at Northwest University. For over two decades, Leslie has told the story of how Technical Services staff support the efforts and successes of students and faculty. Her advocacy has resulted in staffing support and improvements, collaboration with public-facing librarians on major library-wide projects, and having a seat at the table.

There will be a brief Business Meeting at 9:45 before the program.

Registration is required for everyone attending.

This is a Zoom meeting and the link will be emailed directly to registrants 2 days prior to the meeting/program via Eventbrite. This program will be recorded for possible sharing on our website. Any programs recording audience interactions will allow for customers to opt-out of video or audio participation.


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