Digital collections are popular and necessary. Information previously only accessible to the few, is now available with limited barriers or none. This program will cover how to think about, describe, and finally bring your digital collection to the world. Learn how to create and refine a Metadata Application Profile (MAP) to evaluate your collection and build your metadata workflow. Additionally, the State of Illinois Library will present on the Illinois Digital Archives and the process of publishing your digital collection to the internet.
Presenters: Jill Walker, Cataloging Librarian for Wheaton College; State of Illinois Library.
There will be a brief Business Meeting at 9:30 before the program.
Registration is required for everyone attending.
This is a Zoom meeting and the link will be emailed directly to registrants 2 days prior to the meeting/program via Eventbrite. This program will be recorded for possible sharing on our website. Any programs recording audience interactions will allow for customers to opt-out of video or audio participation.