Cataloging AV materials -- Ugh! Learn about core elements for media, work on practical examples, and look at subject headings for AV.
This program is divided into three sessions. Session 1 will address core elements needed for the descriptive cataloging of audiovisual materials (other than videorecordings and audio books) and their encoding with the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data. Session 2 will demonstrate application of descriptive cataloging core elements with examples including video and board games, publisher and library-created kits such as STEM/STEAM kits, Arduino and Raspberry Pi, virtual reality kits, and media such as Playaway’s Wonderbook and Launchpad products. Session 3 will provide a brief look at aspects of subject cataloging with faceted vocabularies related to the form and genre of media resources.
Presenter: Bobby Bothmann is a professor and the Metadata &Emerging Technology Librarian for the Minnesota State University Mankato. He has extensive experience cataloging books, electronic resources, and audiovisual material. He is a member of the editorial board for Cataloging & Classification Quarterly and a delegate of the OCLC Global Council.
There will be a brief Business Meeting at 9:30 before the program.
Registration is required for everyone attending.
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