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How to Set Up Your Hybrid Programming for Success

Learn about the equipment and budget your library needs to offer hybrid programming.

It’s the question of the hour: How do I offer seamless hybrid programming at my library? There are many technology issues to consider as your library explores how to offer in-person programming, while simultaneously streaming video to patrons at home. During this timely webinar, learn about three successful technology set-ups, each with its own advantages and budgets. Bring your questions for a lively conversation.

Presenters include:

Rachael Rezek, Community Services Librarian, Fremont Public Library

Anthony Kierna, Genealogy Coordinator, Schaumburg Public Library

Justin Jackola, Film Director/Owner, JJack Productions

This event takes place on Zoom. A link will be emailed one day prior to the program.

The program will be recorded for later viewing.

Registration Here:

June 16

Nonprofit Partnerships: The Shared Mission to Bridge the Digital Divide

July 9

Technical Services Round Table