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LACONI POP Spark Talks: Pandemic Successes

Learn fresh ideas for energizing your programming , outreach, and promotions during these challenging times. Join these carefully selected SPARK Talks (Short, Provocative, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Knowledgeable) for inspiration in your library. Each 5-minute talk will provide an overview of innovative ideas that can be easily implemented during or post-COVID times. The ideas have already been tested by your peers - you'll walk away with tips for success! The talks will be followed by Q&A, and then breakout sessions for additional discussion with your peers.

Presenters include:

  • Mary Sustar from Frankfort Public Library District on Outdoor Programming

  • Stephanie Driscoll from Schaumburg Township District Library on Moving Large-Scale Events Online

  • Ashley Johnson from Vernon Area Public Library District on Community Engagement

  • Chris Renkosiak from Lincolnwood Public Library on Shifting Communications during Crisis

  • Jaymie Middendorf from Arlington Heights Memorial Library on Documenting your Community's History during COVID

Register now. Space is limited.

April 14

TSS Planning Committee meeting

April 21

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